Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Long time, no write.

It's been an incredibly long time since I've written here. I haven't been writing in my livejournal, either. In truth, I've actually been working on several pieces: some poetry, some fiction, some short stories.

This is National Novel Writing Month (also known as Nanowrimo), so that's where my focus will remain. However, I'd really like to start using my blog as a place to bounce ideas off of.

To kick things off, here's St. Agnes.

She is the patron saint of chastity, rape victims, and virginity. She's quite the interesting one, and I've named the hospital in my new book after her.

I guess I'm hoping this book opens the eyes to people, inspire them, and allow us all to start exploring a New Feminine. Feminism's name has been so badly bruised, and I think we need to swing open some doors and come out peacefully swinging.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Off to a running start

The Best Things So Far About 2009:

Godson Baby Jack, born January 2.

My recent discovery of Mr. Bukowski

Really, really yummy red wines. They are perfection on cold winter nights. Specifically I love Beaujolais and Pinot Noirs, though I'm starting to branch out from the Gamay grapes.

The new album from OFFICE, 'Mecca.'
Go get it, it's free.

Tankstelle by Julian Faulhaber

Perusing through the art currently on display at The Met, since I will be in New York City in 9 short days.

That city can't come soon enough.